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Our new disc is ready for you. It follows our usual format but this year I have included a QR code into the design. I'm sure that we're mostly all familiar with the concept - just aim your smartphone at the QR and it automatically comes up with a link to the site. Saves anyone else having to remember, type out or write down the site's web address.
[image qr code]
I've included a series of images in this post that should make the download process very easy...
You need to be logged in as a Full Member to follow this guide successfully
There are also instructions and even a video guide on the download page already.
So firstly you go to the download page via the menu or more easily by clicking on the module in the sidebar on a pc or below the main content on a mobile.
[image disc module]
On the download page, read the instructions and click the download button.
[image download button]
Automatically the site resets the page and displays a message confirming the disc is available for you.
[image download confirmation]
Go to your emails and you will see one called Download Document Conformation. In it you will see a link to start the download onto your device.
[image email confirmation]
As soon as you click the download link you will be returned to your browser where there will be a confirmation of download and a link to open it.
[image download open]
With the file open on your device you can control the printing process.
[image file open]
You can set the type/size of paper, portrait/landscape, Colour/b&w, size of disc etc. If it helps I use glossy photo paper which is 4" x 6" and I choose to 'print to fit'. If you want tax disc size you select 'actual size'. Beware if you print to fit on bigger, say A4, paper you are going to get a big disc!
[image print settings]
Once happy with your settings - press print...
[image disc printing]
Cut out your disc and stick it in your windscreen.
[image cut out]
And finally, let me know how you get on by replying to this post please, thank you
I've included a series of images in this post that should make the download process very easy...
You need to be logged in as a Full Member to follow this guide successfully
There are also instructions and even a video guide on the download page already.
So firstly you go to the download page via the menu or more easily by clicking on the module in the sidebar on a pc or below the main content on a mobile.
On the download page, read the instructions and click the download button.
Automatically the site resets the page and displays a message confirming the disc is available for you.
Go to your emails and you will see one called Download Document Conformation. In it you will see a link to start the download onto your device.
As soon as you click the download link you will be returned to your browser where there will be a confirmation of download and a link to open it.
With the file open on your device you can control the printing process.
You can set the type/size of paper, portrait/landscape, Colour/b&w, size of disc etc. If it helps I use glossy photo paper which is 4" x 6" and I choose to 'print to fit'. If you want tax disc size you select 'actual size'. Beware if you print to fit on bigger, say A4, paper you are going to get a big disc!
Once happy with your settings - press print...
Cut out your disc and stick it in your windscreen.
And finally, let me know how you get on by replying to this post please, thank you

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!
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