By parpot53 on Monday, 13 November 2017
Posted in Motorhome chat
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Are we on our own or does everyone seem to get an issue with their motor home on almost every trip out?

We have gone through a combination boiler CH 6002, an automatic satellite dish, an inverter, a vehicle battery, two 120ah leisure batteries, two solar panels, one solar controller, two sargent control units plus one repaired. We have had to replace every internal LED strip light, two off side head light units which filled up with condensation, one shower base, one water pump.

We have only had it less than 4 years and it had only done 24k miles on a 58 plate.

I can not believe all this bad luck!

But it is still the best thing we ever did just hope our luck changes now almost everything has been changed at least once!!

Ops spoke too soon, the replacement Boiler Truma CP Plus E4 has just gone on the blink with a terminal code E 89 H at least it is under warranty!
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