By StephandJohn on Friday, 25 April 2014
Posted in Welcome!
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Firstly - we've had a motorhome (Swift Firebrand) since 2007- when we sold up everything and went full timing. We toured Europe for 3 years and had an amazing experience.
We came back and bought a small house in Lancaster so we could carry on enjoying the motorhome and are presently in York in the rain!! A very familiar experience I must say.
I've only just found Club Motorhome and it's come at a very opportune moment.

I don't think its widely known that Bristol City Council have given notice to the Caravan Club to vacate the Baltic Wharf site. This is, to us, the perfect campsite, right on the river with a short walk or ferry ride in to this very interesting, historic and vibrant City.

The Council made the decision behind closed doors and the local traders have only just got to know about it. Bristol Ferries and SS Britannia particularly are very worried about the effect on their businesses.

So - if you agree with us please sign this petition and send it on to other forums you belong to and to friends who'll sign.

We have to get up to 3500 signatures before the council are required to open the discussion to the public. This morning we had 616 so we have a way to go yet.

Thanks. I'll now have a good look around Club Motorhome and enjoy it.

Steph and John
Hi Stephandjohn and :welcome1:

Thanks for posting this, I've signed and hope many others do too.

Have also added the details to our news pages Baltic Wharf Campsite Petition
7 years ago
0 Votes
Thanks. I've just found the petition on Caravan Clubs members forum as well.
7 years ago
0 Votes
The new Save Baltic Wharf Campsite website

it includes the petition so please sign and spread the word.
We need 3500 signatures to force Bristol City Council to have an open discussion about it.
7 years ago
0 Votes
Hi all
I have just received this from Matt in Bristol who is orchestrating the campaign

“Today I have emailed all 70 local council representatives for Bristol with the below. Very little response but just wanted to make them aware and try to get them talking. Also emailed Aardman (Wallace and Gromit) to try and get their support. (This is because there has been a big Wallace and Gromit campaign in aid of tourism in Bristol for the past 18 months.)

The plan for tomorrow is to contact the Chamber of Commerce (Bristol West) and also making contact with other influential businesses in the area. Councillors are worried about budgets and the one thing that may help us is if we can get local businesses to support us by providing an endorsement we can quote - perhaps with positive views of the site and concerns for the future plans.

980 online signs now! Will catch up with Lou this week to see how the paper petitions are doing.

All the best, Matt

Email sent to all Councillors 28.4.2013
Just thought we'd introduce ourselves and share our website with you:
Please take a peek as there is loads of great info on there. Our online petition has been going for a week and we're nearly at 1,000 signatures already. Paper versions are running too! BBC radio Bristol and the Bristol post have covered the story and there's lots of activity on Twitter, Facebook and online discussion forums. We're receiving a phenomenal amount of positivity from local people, businesses as well as visitors from far and wide; who feel that their bond with our wonderful city was made possible because of the campsite.
This campaign has been started by local people and our thoughts are that the Baltic Wharf campsite has been a fantastic asset to Bristol and the harbour community for over 30 years. Closure will have a devastating effect on the local harbour community, tourism and businesses. Although you represent [INSERT WARD], this is the only campsite in the whole of Bristol and closure, without public consultation, undermines the very principles of the [INSERT PARTY] party.
With just a little more thought we could keep a superb gateway to Bristol open, sustain the harbour community, and build a new school in a far more suitable and safer location. Please see our website for more information.
We would be very grateful if you were to help us inspire a debate on this issue and, hopefully, save this unique facility for the City.
7 years ago
0 Votes
Hello both , we are hoping to do similar - i.e. sell our house - money in bank or saving fund and travel for a year or so and buy a small bungalow ,we had been considering buying in France or Spain but heard a few horror stories .
I have just signed the petition to save "Baltic Wharf" , we have been meaning to try this campsite out for a long time but still not got round to it ,do they have a website ?
7 years ago
0 Votes
Don't believe all the horror stories. We bought in Spain 7 years ago and love it. Do your homework, don't try and make it an investment unless you really know what is what in law in those countries - and enjoy it!
7 years ago
0 Votes
Hi all

Sorry for the silence, and for the length of this posting, but things have been happening.

• Our request, under the Freedom of Information Act (F.O.I.), for information about how the decision to close the campsite, and how the decision to use the land for a school was made, was refused. We went to the CEO of the Campaign for Freedom of Information (C.F.O.) and he gave us all the necessary ‘ammunition’ to refute their spurious reasons and an appeal has now gone in. If this is refused we’ll go to the Information Commissioners Office (like an ombudsman). If we have to do this it will take about six months to get a ruling; however the help we got from the C.F.O. is compelling and in other campaigns we’ve found it usually works. Really the council officials don’t understand the F.O.I. Act and just go to a default ‘secrecy’ mindset. Hopefully once we’ve explained it to them they might change their minds.
I won’t put it all on here but if anyone wants to read it all please PQ me with your email address and I’ll send it.
• The letter below is from the campaign organisers. We got enough signatures to ask the council to have an open debate on it. (If you remember the decision was made by the mayor on his own and even a lot of councillors didn’t know about it until it was published in the papers)The next meeting is 22nd July and it would be helpful if we all emailed or tweeted the Mayor to ask for it to be included

Hello Steph,

Here's the link to the Open Letter to the councillors on our website:
I think one of the best things to do now would be to ask forum users to read the arguments and, if they wish, email the Mayor direct with their concerns. He's the person who will make the final decision. If he only came to visit the people and businesses that rely on the campsite users then he might not be so confident. A school bus would be a great way of transporting children to a site that actually needs re-development without compromising people's livelihoods and 30 years of having a great asset for Bristol - a win-win!

Here's his contact details:
Twitter @GeorgeFergusonx

The lead Green Councillor on the issue (1 of 5) came to visit the campsite and the local businesses that would be impacted by closure. On Twitter he suggested that Mayor George Ferguson visit as it made him pause to think about his reaction.

If we can get the Mayor to allow us to organise a visit for him then that will be our best chance of saving the campsite.

Onward and upwards!!!


So – lets hope we can all work together and carry on using this lovely campsite for a long while yet.

7 years ago
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