By kathyandsteve on Sunday, 15 October 2017
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Our 16 year old hymer has a lot of degraded and yellowed plastic, the bit that bothers me the most is the shower tray as it is also stained. I've been thinking about restoring it for a while, considering specialised plastic paint or the stuff that restores original colour without painting. Being badly organised I can't find my notes on either of these products but thought I would ask if anyone has successfully restored theirs.
Also ..... very frustratingly I noticed, a few days ago, 2 spots on shower floor where yellow colour has gone and colour restored to pale cream like new! It's obviously where a liquid has dripped and the resulting 'bleaching' is impressive, looks like new. So, very excited to have accidentally found a wonder product that would take my shower tray back to new I proceeded to do spot trials of every product in the van, even tried toothpaste, mouthwash etc (it was obviously an accidental spill of something).... nothing works so I am really confused about what it might have been, anyone else had an accidental discovery of a miracle product that brings yellowing plastic back to original colour?
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