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  Thursday, 16 November 2017
  10 Replies
  6K Visits
Whether you're new to Club Motorhome or a long standing member you'll have seen that the site is not 'just' another forum. Club Motorhome strives to be different from the run-of-the-mill motorhome sites and thrives on members' various input.

In recognition of those members who do contribute to the community we how have a 'Verification Badge'. There are various other badges that are automatically applied to members' profiles for various activities but the verification has to be applied for.

What is it?

Well it's basically a merit badge that displays next to your username throughout the site, see the photo:


Why have it?

It's a constant challenge to encourage members to become involved in the daily workings of the site so this is just a way to recognise those members who are also valuable contributors.

What are contributions?

Members can contribute by:

Paying a subscription, as in being a Full Member

Posting on the timeline

Posting on the forums

Commenting on articles and/or stopovers

Submitting stopovers

Anything else that adds some content to the website - liking posts, welcoming newbies, responding to those who welcome you etc.

How do I get it?

Now, I could spend ages going through all the members who should have a verification manually and apply their badges but it would be very helpful and much nicer if you apply for one yourself.

If you have done one (or all) of those things listed above - please do click to verify your account as shown in the next image and lets see who does help to make this website and community 'tick' :D


(Pssst! You can start showing your involvement by clicking 'Like' at the bottom of the post :D )

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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Just bringing this thread to everyone's notice again as its been a while and there have been lots of new members since it was first posted.

If you would like a 'Verified' badge to show that you are a contributor on CM (as per description in the first post) please submit your Verification Request.

Anyone who submits one but does not fit the above requirements may get rejected :o But don't take it personally ;) Just submit again when you fit the criteria.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
Could i please have a "verified" badge? Thank you. Mary
Could i please have a "verified" badge? Thank you. Mary

All done Mary :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
Looking forward to taking "winnie" to Southern Ireland in June, I will b joined by John & this will b his1st visit to Eire. We will b sailing in2 Dublin Port and sailing back into Pembroke 2 weeks later. Winnie currently being serviced and having an MOT carried out by Simon of Cymru Caravans. I would highly recommend him.
6 years ago
Do any of my fellow Motorhomers know of any good stop overs near Holyhead or in Southern Ireland please? Thank you.
6 years ago
Yes waunwyllt.
Holyhead harbour wall on the lower tier, last time I was there you could overnight and park anywhere. :D

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
Thank you Tom very helpful as i havent downloaded the stopover link yet.
Just a quick 'bump' for this thread..

I've had several Social Members register recently and promptly request that they should be verified....

There are 2 options in our system when I get a verification request Accept or Reject

So don't take it personally if you are one who gets rejected - by all means apply again when you've made some contribution as in the first post of this topic.

If you would like a 'Verified' badge to show that you are a CONTRIBUTOR on CM (as per description in the first post) please submit your Verification Request.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
Like a verified badge please Cliff Hannah
Like a verified badge please Cliff Hannah

Done Cliff and like all other verified users, thanks for your support and contributions :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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