Wednesday, 26 April 2023
  5 Replies
  2.2K Visits
I have a problem with my charger / general set up .

I have currently got a electroblock split charger , with a solar ( Epeler,) attached directly to the leisure battery . I've never been convinced that the alternator is actually charging the leisure battery - I think its just the solar .
Now ( recently I've found a 30a fuse in the engine compartment that I think feeds the leisure battery , this fuse keeps blowing . We just had the Engine battery replaced for the 2nd time in 2 years by the garage, no ability to look at the habitation side.

Leisure battery id 5 years old .

Questions are : New battery advised ?
How to test if the alternator is actually charging the leisure battery .
Should the Solar go through the EBL 104-3?
IS the EBL faulty - how can I test that

Your answers much appreciated - I have a basic understanding and can use a multi meter - just advise on the best process.

Very much appreciated

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