Thursday, 07 November 2013
  4 Replies
  4.3K Visits
I really hope none of us will ever need to contact the emergency services when travelling abroad. The stress of accidents or ill health are bad enough without the need to get your message across in an emergency.

So I've put together some useful words and phrases in a variety of European languages, plus the Europe-wide emergency telephone number - 112. This link will take you to a PDF document in my Public Dropbox here: I have also attached the PDF file for those who prefer to download from here.

I can't guarantee the words and phrases are 100% accurate, but they are close enough to allow you to get your message across either on the phone, or pointing to key phrases if dealing with a local speaker.

Please feel free to share this as widely as you like. I've printed off a colour copy, laminated it and keep it in an easily accessible place in our campervan.
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7 years ago
Just one note: for Italian, 'help' should be 'aiuto' (pronounced 'aye-you-t[sup]d[/sup]oe').

While I'm on, could I recommend which has many language pairs with, for each word, the meanings it has in different contexts. It also has many sample translations of popular phrases. So it is far more useful than a dictionary - if you have an internet connection.
(I should add that I only use it, I'm not associated in any way).
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