Saturday, 26 November 2011
  2 Replies
  5K Visits
We've just added a new blog (Our Tour) to the ones we feature on Club Motorhome and I thought I would just list all the others here:

The blog of Steve Green

The Vagabond Trail

The World is Our Lobster

Paul & Lynne - Europe 2011

Tortoise Tales

Campervan Diaries

Adventures in Hank the Tank

Charlie Dog Came Too

The Lover's Guide to Europe

The Voyages of The Rosabella

Carol & Anthony's European tour

Travels with Ian and Sue

There really is a wealth of entertainment and information within these blogs and they make compulsive reading for the motorhome enthusiast.

There are also many other motorhome blogs listed in our directory of Motorhome Blogs

If you have, or know of, a motorhome related blog that you would like to see featured on Club Motorhome please contact us at

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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7 years ago
Worthy of a special mention I think, OurTour (a blog we've featured for almost 2 years) is coming to an end....

Jason, Julie and Charlie their dog have been on the road for 700 (!) days and have blogged about their travels pretty well every day and some days more than once if I remember correctly :)

So 23 countries on and almost 30,000 miles later they are at Calais waiting to cross back into the UK tomorrow - back to normal life (if that's ever going to possible for them after such an adventure.

I'd like to thank them for all the brilliant reading they have provided and to wish them every success in whatever they do from here in. If you haven't read their blog its here - Our Tour - A mid life European wander in a motorhome


If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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