Thursday, 22 January 2015
  5 Replies
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This is the last day of my working life,the last few days have flown by.
I,ve just done something I,ve been dreaming of for years,namely booted up the works laptop with a nuke disk and its currently at 30% of trashing the drive.All those emails manuals tips and tricks of the trade gone forever.
No more on-call every 4 weeks to mess up my private life,although the extra money has boosted the pension :thumbs:
The I-phone has gone the same way,reset to default,all phone numbers gone.
Now looking forward to the meet down a local hostelry and that,ll be it.
Just had a call from my manager "HR have messed up your date of leaving" ???
Never mind he said it,ll just mean we,ll have to pay you for another week or so after you,ve gone.RESULT :thumbs: :thumbs:
I,m going to miss all my workmates but not the job.
Now looking forward to the next Motorhome and getting out more :lol:
Happy Days

Pete and jan

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7 years ago
Congrats and welcome to our world. Enjoy the life, :welcome4:
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