• Billy likes a discussion post
    I thought an explanation of how Club Motorhome Notifications work might be in order...

    Club Motorhome Notifications are emails that a member receives after joining and during their membership.

    The default settings for a lot of activities on...
    I thought an explanation of how Club Motorhome Notifications work might be in order...

    Club Motorhome Notifications are emails that a member receives after joining and during their membership.

    The default settings for a lot of activities on this site are 'On' for members to receive notifications by email when anything happens on the website that may be relevant to their membership or personal involvement. This is a club environment and the assumption is that members are interested in what goes on.

    However, each member can change the settings that are relevant to themselves. It merely requires that they go into their own 'Profile' and 'Manage Alerts' - I've added a couple of screenshots to help show what this looks like.

    The settings are set to 'On' for the most common functions by default because members won't know what they want (or don't) until they've been on the site for a little while.

    Now if this upsets anybody then I can only suggest that they spend a couple of minutes personalising their preferences as shown. There are settings for each section of notifications, I suggest that the 'System Alerts' can be left as is because this only shows there is something to see when the member actually logs in (the little icons at the top of the page). It is the 'Email Alerts' that a member may wish to alter.

    I have today added some information to our T&Cs regarding this, please ensure that you have read the rules lately and that you are happy with them.

    If, as a last resort a member is not happy to continue with their membership due to the terms and conditions there is a 'Delete your profile' button on the 'edit profile' page. I hope no-one feels the need to do that...

    At the end of the day the workings of this website are designed to bring members together with their common, and varied interests :)

    Thanks for reading this.
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