Tuesday, 25 September 2012
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Purchasing a motor home or a caravan is a big financial investment. Choosing which is best for your lifestyle can not always be easy, and there are always a few things which most people seem to argue about. So I have decided to break it down in a simple easy guide that will hopefully aid your decision in whether a caravan or motor home is best for you.

So where to begin, I have been asked this question by many people, what should I buy a caravan or a motor home? Although I can’t decide for you, having owned both a caravan and a motor home I have experienced the pros and cons of both, and I wish someone with experience had explained before hand the subtle practical differences between both of them. To make things easy I have summarised what I believe to be the most practical reasons for owning either a caravan or motor home in the bellow paragraphs, all you really have to do is decide which paragraph best describes you and what you want to do on your holiday, so let’s start.

Firstly, decide what it is you are going to do on your holiday and where you are going to do it. This may seem like an obvious question, but it is easy to forget that a motor home and a caravan are designed for two relatively different things. So ask yourself the question “what am I exactly going to be getting up to”? Are you planning on staying put in relatively small area? Are you going straight to your destination (a camp site) and then staying there for at least a week, maybe taking short day trips? What about the destination, are you’re planning on staying local, and are you just planning on staying in the UK?

If the above described you and your intended holiday then a caravan is better for you. Caravans simply put, are much more practical for a nice relaxed holiday when you’re not planning on travelling about to much. It makes much more sense when you’re staying relatively local to keep things as simple as possible. The running costs of a motor home may outweigh the benefits it can offer if you are planning on staying local. Also the UK is relatively motor home unfriendly and lacks an abundance of facilities that are found throughout the most of mainland Europe. If this does not sound like what you’re planning on getting up to, read on to see if a motor home is more practical for you.

Again what is it that you are going to be getting up to? Have you decided to leave the UK? Do want to tour around Europe or stay in the UK, stopping where you like, moving on after a night or two and having the freedom to go where you want when you want? The question I’m trying to ask is how mobile are you planning on being, are you are planning on being on the move and travelling around the place? Are you planning on having a fully booked holiday with loads of sight seeing as well as visiting attractions? Are you planning on driving many miles to somewhere in the UK?

If the above described you and your intended holiday then a motor home is more practical for you. Because a motor home is essentially a motorised caravan any family holiday that involves a lot of travelling will definitely benefit from the extra mobility. Also I think the running costs of a motor home can only be fully justified when you’re taking full advantage of the mobility it offers.

In conclusion, some people may think of a motor home when planning a camping trip and some people may opt for a motor home when planning a cross-country trip. To some it just serves as transportation and living quarters, and a cheaper alternative for those people who do not want to spend money on a hotel room. Additionally, it may seem exciting to plan a travelling holiday in a motor home, but a motor home does have it disadvantages as does a caravan. So it can be hard to decide whether to invest your hard earned money in either a motor home or a caravan. It all depends on what you want from your holiday. Simply put caravans are better optimized for staying relatively local and a motor home is better optimized for travelling around. You just need to weigh up what you think what you think will be taking up most of your time.

Just before you go there are a few more aspects of caravan/motor home ownership I would like you to take into consideration. Do you know how many people do you intend to transport? This can be a factor, because if you are the outdoors type then you may wish to trade your lounging comfort for extra storage and sleeping space. Alternatively, if you want to watch TV and just relax, then you will probably put a higher priority on larger seating arrangements and plenty of sitting space. Also go to caravan shows, read magazines about the industry, join forums and visit a lot of dealers. I would recommend trying to give yourself as much choice as possible and know “exactly” want you need and want before you buy. A good trusted site that I have used as well as several of my friends and family members is http://www.caravansforsale.co.uk. I hope I have made things a bit clearer for those who are undecided on whether to own a caravan or a motor home.

Just to finish, there is literally a huge sub-culture of caravan and motor home owners out there that would be more than happy to give you some more friendly advice, and apart from this forum another really good site to chat about caravans and find advice is http://www.caravanspy.co.uk. Get involved and understand that whether you decided on buying a motor home or caravan, they are both an investment in your lifestyle that can offer you years if not decades of enjoyment.
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