Thursday, 07 June 2012
  2 Replies
  2.9K Visits
Hi everyone, we retired a year ago and our present to ourselves was a 2008 Burstner Solano t700 which we are very pleased with. No previous experience but we loved it from the start. After doing all the recently retired stuff - decorating, allotment, long holiday etc. we are now getting out in the MH more.So far visited the West country, Northumberland, West coast of Scotland, Belgian Grand Prix (cold & wet), Yorkshire Dales several times and the Peak District. July takes us to France to explore the D-Day beaches of Normandy then on to Brittany for a few weeks, but if the weather is poor we'll just head South. The MH has been reliable so far but has recently developed spluttering tap syndrome, possibly a new water pump will sort it although the pressure is actually very good - the alternative theory is an airlock but I've tried and failed to sort it. All suggestions gratefully received.
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7 years ago
Hi redbarron

Welcome to the forum.

AS Neilmac says - you've crammed quite a lot in already.

We've just got back from an 8week trip around France and Spain culminating in a trip to Ypres (Ieper) and the Menin Gate last post ceremony which is held every night at 8pm and has done so since 1928. Its a very moving experience and there were about 200 people there. Have you been?

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