Thursday, 13 February 2014
  8 Replies
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Prompted by a recent conversation with a Belgian motorhomer at an official Aire in Spain I'm prompted to ask the question - are you prepared to share your favourite motorhome stopover locations?

Personally we are of course, and our doing so was part of creating this website, but I was quite taken aback with the attitude of the Belgian motorhomers who had travelled regularly for some 30 years in their motorhome and were adamant that they kept their findings a secret. They had actually just been moved on from a wildcamping area to the Aire where we met them and they were a little disappointed that they had to share the parking area with others this time. They had just told their motorhoming 'friends' (that had been moved on as well at the same time) that they were moving on to a fictitious location so their destination was not revealed....

They also disapproved of publications and websites that published stopover locations saying that those who did so were 'stupid people'!

Maybe they don't think of it that the Aire is provided (free of charge to users) by the local community and its likely to not be just a kind hearted favour to all, more likely a small source of income to local businesses from motorhomers who might shop/eat/drink etc in the town - especially in these cash strapped times. So maybe keeping the treasure of such a place a secret might not help the provider very much?

This wasn't the first time that I have come across this attitude. Perhaps it is more understandable with some quiet little wildcamping spot in the middle of nowhere that's been personally discovered but official areas?

What's your feeling on this?

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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7 years ago
Well Neil,

I'm just glad that I didn't meet up with them, as that sort of attitude would have peed me right off. :angry:
What a deceitful pair. :(


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