Saturday, 21 September 2013
  6 Replies
  2.7K Visits
Hi Folks,

My wife and I are keen campers but we're looking to upgrade to a motorhome for European adventure lasting about a year.

We've started doing some research into the type of 'van we'd like and have identified a few "essentials" however we don't really know much about motorhomes!

One area we're struggling with is quality!

Is there a hierarchy of manufacturers / brands eg who are the Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Ford, Lada etc etc?

We've been told that different manufacturers use the same component suppliers is this correct and if so but do these suppliers supply different grades of components?

Do you always get what you pay for eg if considering 2 motorhomes with similar condition, mileages, configurations (berths) but with a price differential of 10% (£3000) will the more expensive one be better quality? (Now I've re-read this I get the feeling it's an incredibly stupid question)


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7 years ago
Hi ,welcome to site,Think you are doing things right ,keep making a list of your requirements ,if you have never had a van before perhaps hire one and make sure Motor homing is for you.As for quality!!!vast difference in prices ,would not put them in an order ,we often look round at vans,never found anything to better the van we have .Certainly wouldn't buy new ,the quality of finishes has certainly gone down ,ie doors were perhaps a few years ago 15mm thick now down to about 10/11mm,lots of little things.Making a good second hand van,with low mileage,and were some one has lost the remove from showroom 2/3 thousand pounds a good bet.
Enjoy your search and take time,Europe is great.
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