Thursday, 21 March 2013
  6 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Just come across this info good news for us here in Spain maybe the UK councils should take note sent them a copy---posted this on another forum to increase coverage.

Translation below.

Total of 30 municipalities in the province will perform appropriate works to provide in their municipal space to accommodate campers, under the agreement signed yesterday with the mayors council, which will provide € 1,000 to each village to carry out the work, as said the provincial president, Arturo Garcia-Blight, who moved that the next year will create a basis for proceeding with this proposal intends to delve into the politics of the institution to promote domestic tourism.
And, as Garcia-Blight said during the ceremony, held in the Plenary Hall of the Provincial Palace, tourism aboard RV traveling is becoming the choice of many families to enjoy their holiday. So much so, that the RV park in Europe consists of more than one million units, with an annual growth well above the average passenger. Spain, meanwhile, has about 25,000.
It is estimated that each year cross the Spanish border in about 200,000 RV traveling around half a million tourists, a flow that gives the Spanish tourism business a figure higher than the 280 million euros a year, according to figures from the past day were revealed.
Unlike tourists who stay in apartments, hotels, hostels or campsites, motorhome tourism requires no modification to your host environment. So, you only need a space of 28 square meters for each vehicle in a quiet and safe. A simple existing parking on public roads increases the supply of tourist beds in any population.
According to your habits, harboring motorhome tourism in a small town you want to promote your resources can mean an increase in off-season tourism, wider dissemination of the historical, landscape and local culture or trade enhancement, especially the restoration.
The municipalities that have joined this first round are Aldeanueva of Barbarroya, Burujón, Cabañas de Yepes, Carranque, Plums, Consuegra, Dosbarrios, Fuensalida, Gerindote, Guadamur, inheritance, Huerta de Valdecarábanos, Lominchar, Malpica, Mora, Navalcán, The Navalucillos, Ocaña, Olias, Oropesa, San Bartolome de las Open, San Martin de Pusa, Segurilla, Talavera, El Toboso, Torrijos, Valdeverdeja, Villacañas, Villafranca and Yeles
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7 years ago
Hi BK ,Yes reading the comments on MMM it has once again turned in to knocking session,they do like to go off the content of thread.Again sorry about passing the thread on much the same time as you did.
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