Friday, 22 November 2013
  86 Replies
  2.7K Visits
Well we're here. There are six of us, TravelsrUs, Zoro, AlanandSue,SilverF1, TravellerHA53DOM and us. Seemed like a good idea after a glass or three at the Taste of Spain Meet!

Bought our tickets from 'Carlos' near Lidl at Junction 112 at Palmones near Algeciras. €200 for an open return, an extra €20 if you have a trailer. We spent the night before our crossing parked up just along from Lidl with about 30 other motorhomes.

The crossing to Tanger Med took 1 1/2 hours and was very smooth. After queuing to get our passports stamped by the Moroccoan police on board we had a coffee and a chat while we watched the scenery go by. The arrival at Tanger Med was smooth and efficient and there were no touts in evidence. There was a small hiccup when some of there party were told that the number stamped in their passport on board was invalid but it was easily sorted out. After that small delay it was straight on to the road towards Tangiers for a supermarket stop and the purchasing of dongles or sim cards as required. AlandandSue bought a sim for their iPad for 380 dirhams (£29) which was valid for 2 months and 4Gb.

It was a short journey down to Asilah were we parked up by the ramparts on a guarded parking N35*28.013 W6*02.271 (sorry for the lack of degree sign). It cost us 200dirhams for the night for all six vans.

Onwards towards Fes today.
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7 years ago
Thank you for your kind words.

We paid €200 for an open return. Our heights were not taken by the agent and we were loaded with the lorries.

March should be quieter on the coastal campsites because the long term overwintering French tend to have headed back by then. Inland there is much less motorhome traffic at all times.
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