•   NEILMAC commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Hi melv where is the aire you was telling spinner about as I don't know this area 7 is this on one of the stop overs .
    Comments (5)
    • Hi lindyandbarry..... Camperpark Area 7 is near El Campello, which I'm sure you will know is just north of Alicante, and south of Benidorm! Details,Hi lindyandbarry..... Camperpark Area 7 is near El Campello, which I'm sure you will know is just north of Alicante, and south of Benidorm! Details, with coordinates, are featured in the CM motorhome stopovers Spain e-book, and can be found in the Valencia section under A for Area 7 rather than E for El Campello ( note to NEILMAC - might be worth cross-referencing with an alphabetical list of main towns, for people not fully conversant with the different areas of Spain, or indeed, any other country! Don't mean this as criticism, but the e-books are not exactly user-friendly to first-timers who may not be au fait with the names of the various regions, and the areas they cover!)
      This aire has been open for a little over 12 months, as far as I can gather, and already seems to have a strong support base of regular visitors, all of whom, from what I can ascertain, have nothing but praise for the site and the way it is run by Juan, who couldn' t be more friendly and helpful to everyone ! We will definitely be using it again, and wholeheartedly recommend it!!
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    • Thanks for the info melv will certainly be giving it a go when we leave here middle of this month.
    • Hi melv, point taken about the eBook indexing although its limited as to what can be achieved with them other than making them available as they are.Hi melv, point taken about the eBook indexing although its limited as to what can be achieved with them other than making them available as they are. Tbh any offline resource is becoming less and less necessary with data roaming and smartphones, tablets and mifi units being so easy to use these days.   More ...
    • Yes totally agree my son wants to know why I need a sat nab he uses his phone and never had a sat nav.
    • lindyandbarry it wasn't many years ago that we really struggled with any internet access on our travels, it was books or pot luck for stopovers andlindyandbarry it wasn't many years ago that we really struggled with any internet access on our travels, it was books or pot luck for stopovers and McDonalds carparks for enough wifi to get emails!

      Now we have data on our phones and mifi so internet access is not so different to being at home..... unless there's no signal of course
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