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List of antigen tests authorized for entry to France from UK

France is to authorize certain travellers to enter the country from midnight on 22 December, provided they have the result of a negative test for VUI-2020-12-01.

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List of antigen tests authorized for entry to France from UK

By Traveller_HA5_3DOM in News 1128 views 23rd Dec, 2020 Video Duration: N/A
France is to authorize certain travellers to enter the country from midnight on 22 December, provided they have the result of a negative test for VUI-2020-12-01.

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Comments (9)
  • Just to report thst we managed to get back to our house in Germany where we are listed as residents.
    We used our UK local council testing facilityJust to report thst we managed to get back to our house in Germany where we are listed as residents.
    We used our UK local council testing facility which uses lateral flow tests and had the results within the hour, negative thankfully.
    At the tunnel the UK customs officer asked for our test result and was happy and so were the French customs at the tumnel in the UK.
    We sorted out the issues in Germany and drove back to UK.
    We completed all of the on line re-entry to UK stuff and are now back in the UK.
    Had another free test on Monday also negative and we can go for weekly tests now without even booking a slot.
    Great service Warwickshire.
    It is aimed at identifying the asymptomatic members of the public.
    We are in isolation but then we have been since last February when it broke.
    The message should be stay home and stay safe from Corvid 19.
    Mixing is like Russian Roulette without knowing how many guns are pointed at whose head and how many chambers are loaded.
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  • Hello Traveller I just came across this dated 16 JANUARY 2021, like most folks I have watched the news and read your post and am utterly confused,Hello Traveller I just came across this dated 16 JANUARY 2021, like most folks I have watched the news and read your post and am utterly confused, but for what it's worth when I checked it looked genuine, I can't find anything else so presume your German entry stands.

    people travelling from the UK to France do not need to present a negative coronavirus test. This is confirmed by the French consulate in London on its website.

    However, it is necessary to present recent negative Covid-19 tests if entering France from some countries.

    If you are travelling to France from Bahrain, Panama, United Arab Emirates or the US, you will have to present a negative PCR test result, carried out less than 72 hours before departure, prior to boarding. You will not be able to board without the document.

    If you are travelling from other non-EU countries then you will have to either present a negative PCR test result, carried out less than 72 hours before departure, or submit to such a test at the airport upon arrival in France. The British Embassy understands the UK to be being included with the EU countries for exemption from this.
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  • I think maybe the tunnel staff are as bewildered as everyone else with the complexity of the situation.
    It now looks like some lateral flow testsI think maybe the tunnel staff are as bewildered as everyone else with the complexity of the situation.
    It now looks like some lateral flow tests will be accepted but most of the PCR tests will be. The teir 4 areas are no different that the entry isolation rules anyway.
    At the moment it looks like anyone who presents with proof of the anti virus vacination will be treated like everyone else.
    Complete nonsense when the antibodies circulating in your system from the vaccine can produce positve resultss.
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  • We will soon be in a position to have some/ many UK residents who have received one of the Corvid vacinations and the resultant protection it gives.
    We will soon be in a position to have some/ many UK residents who have received one of the Corvid vacinations and the resultant protection it gives.
    As far as I can see no provision has been made for these people who may exhibit traces of the virus in their system for an unknown period of months and subsequently provide positive tests, whilst not being a threat to transmitting the virus.
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  • Rodders, thanks for your input.
    The days you gather information are critical in what is advised or required.
    Whilst it is tempting to link to webRodders, thanks for your input.
    The days you gather information are critical in what is advised or required.
    Whilst it is tempting to link to web feeds the tragedy is that not just the UK but individual EU countries are acting independently. In Germany the various states or counties are in charge of their own implimentation of the National Rules.
    The absolutely safe process is to defer your travel plans as long as you possibly can.
    The lists of exempted personnel has remained fairly constant for months now but they have now slipped in tests for the lorry drivers travelling to the UK.
    We saw this being set up two weeks ago on the Belgium/Calais bound aire a few killometers inside France.
    We were waved through but it can only be lateral flow tests if they are expecting quick results.
    Would love to hear from someone who has been tested in France and accepted with the Lateral flow test results.
    Latest ideas of isolation hospitals take us back to the 60s and TB.
    Difference here is only one resident who is positive can infect all of the staff and residents.
    Compare this with the present disinterest in the paper excercise of isolation at the address you specify whilst you wait patiently for someone to call and enquire about your health.
    In Germany we received a daily questionare to complete about our state of health.
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  • Gosh, I do remember the Isolation hospitals, windows open all year round. My mother was a hospital Almoner she had an isolation hospital in herGosh, I do remember the Isolation hospitals, windows open all year round. My mother was a hospital Almoner she had an isolation hospital in her group, it's all that was known at the time but looking now haw barbaric it was. I felt that I had to input the only info I had, and, it really is good to have your info too, it really is good to discuss sensibly to try to make sense of all this. As you quite rightly point out each country has it's own system.   More ...
  • I can only comment as someone who has very recently had a Covid test (not for travel but for hospital admission) I wasn't calm enough to ask aboutI can only comment as someone who has very recently had a Covid test (not for travel but for hospital admission) I wasn't calm enough to ask about the specifics of which test it was. But it was up each nostril, further than I would have thought it physically possible! and whilst not exactly painful it was most uncomfortable. The results were available within minutes and thankfully negative.  More ...
  • Yes not nice at all, end of March I contracted pneumonia, the older nurse had been brought back in to help out, this is as funny as it wasYes not nice at all, end of March I contracted pneumonia, the older nurse had been brought back in to help out, this is as funny as it was distressing at the time, whilst taking my temperature I was telling her that I needed to take my hearing aid out so she could then place the thermometer deeper in my ear, then proceeded to push the swab right down the back of my throat I had all on not to throw up and of course the same with each nostril, all this of course whilst suffering massive chest pain and shortness of breath. It was just like a cartoon   More ...
  • We have been to our testing station four times this year and the proceedure are the same from the different assistants.
    They open the swab packet andWe have been to our testing station four times this year and the proceedure are the same from the different assistants.
    They open the swab packet and offer it to you.
    You are insructed to blow your nose before you start.
    Then asked to gently twist the bud end each side of your tonsil area the gently insert it into both nostrils and again twist it.
    You then insert it into the plastic recepticle that the assistant holds out to you.
    He or she squeezes and massages it to mix it with whatever is in the tube.
    No pain or gagging or nausea no problem.
    So between the two of us thats eight tests and all correct in their results which were negative.
    They are only interested in people who may be Asymptomatic quite how accurate they are if you have the virus I do not know and I hope Inever find out from personal expeirience.??
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