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  •   Traveller_HA5_3DOM commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Hi all
    My husband Tony and I would like tour Ireland this year, starting the Ring of Kerry any information on first time travels to Ireland would be very much appreciated.
    Comments (5)
    • Hi Dawnton 1984.
      We did the lower ring of Kerry several years ago now, the most fantastic scenery, quite steep and narrow in places, but we did haveHi Dawnton 1984.
      We did the lower ring of Kerry several years ago now, the most fantastic scenery, quite steep and narrow in places, but we did have a 7mtr A Class.
      Never had a problem with parking up either, we then carried on around the south following the coast roads.
      The only drawback is the price of the ferry.
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    • Thanks so much for info we have a 8.5 metre twin axle Motorhome so sounds like we might struggle
    • A lasting memory for us is the drive on the other side of Bantry bay along the Sheeps Head peninsula.
      It had great views and fuchsia hedges that wereA lasting memory for us is the drive on the other side of Bantry bay along the Sheeps Head peninsula.
      It had great views and fuchsia hedges that were all in flower on both sides of the road.
      The old sailing vessels that were bound for America would attempt to clear Bantry bay as they tacked their way past Ireland. If the prevailing South Westerly blew them into the bay because they could not clear that northerly Ring of Kerry they knew they would be wrecked several days before it happened.
      There was no way out only to row if the wind dropped.
      So Bantry Bay became a graveyard.
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    • Apologies for the late reply. You shouldn't have any problems with your motorhome driving around the Ring of Kerry, take your time and enjoy theApologies for the late reply. You shouldn't have any problems with your motorhome driving around the Ring of Kerry, take your time and enjoy the drive:(kiss)   More ...
    • One of the most enjoyable memories we have is the warm welcome given by the locals.
      Do visit the pubs wherever you stay on the way. Have your singingOne of the most enjoyable memories we have is the warm welcome given by the locals.
      Do visit the pubs wherever you stay on the way. Have your singing heads on and be prepared for someone to hand you a tambourine or some spoons to join the band. If you play a mouth organ, banjo, guitar or drums on a pub table join in.
      The Southern Irish are warm and very welcoming
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  •   Tom1 reacted to this post about 4 years ago
    Hi all, new member. I am based in North Sligo so any member looking for info on this area, give me a shout
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    • Very kind of you Moondog. Hope some members take you up on your offer
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