Saturday, 13 May 2017
  2 Replies
  4.7K Visits
HI Neil hope your both well, just been trying to check some stopovers in UK although i am logged in when i try check details of a stop over the green box says theinfo is only available to full member & i must log in ? I must be doing something wrong perhaps. I can't get past this problem to get to the details , even if i oog in again i keep going round in circles , any advice where am i going wrong please cya Bill
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Hi Bill, thanks for letting me know.

It looks like a plugin has stopped doing what it should be doing.... I've had to change your password in order to login as you to check.

Sorted it for now for you and will email your password so that you can get back in.

I'm off to find a proper fix now :(

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

7 years ago
Thanks Neil , thought it was me that had gone into Dummy Mode lol cya Bill
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