Wednesday, 15 May 2019
  6 Replies
  5.1K Visits
As part of an ongoing revamp of our stopover information I've setup a new search feature ;)

I've put it into a 'live' testing mode so would appreciate your feedback on using it please....

It's pretty self explanatory but all you have to do is set your current position by either clicking on 'GEOLOCATE ME' or enter a place you want to centre the search from (its currently just set to 'France' but you just type what you want instead).

The software is currently set to show you the nearest 1000 stopovers to your location - you can reduce the area of search from the 'Any Distance' dropdown.

You'll see the results are a scrollable list of stopovers starting with the closest.

You could also just zoom in on the map and click on an individual marker.

Photo of how it looks:

Search for Stopovers.png

Access to the facility is both under Motorhome Stopovers and Pub Stopovers in the main menu.

You can also use the following links Search for Stopovers and Search for Pub Stopovers

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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5 years ago
Looks great. I will try and use it a few times and report back.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

5 years ago

For me the “geolocate me” option doesn’t work, but works perfectly if I type in a town, also brings up route, great!

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

5 years ago

For me, the “geolocate me” option won’t work, but works perfectly if I type in town. Route comes up too, great!

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

For me, the “geolocate me” option won’t work

Your ipad/settings are denying Club Motorhome (and maybe other sites) from knowing your location by the look of it.

Glad the rest of it is useful though ;)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

5 years ago
Hmmmm .... my “location services” is on, and working ok with apps etc .... confused .... it’s a pain being so non savvy with all things IT !

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

Hmmmm .... my “location services” is on, and working ok with apps etc .... confused .... it’s a pain being so non savvy with all things IT !

Well you do extremely well otherwise so I'd just blame the device ;)

At least you seem to be able to locate yourself by manually putting in your search centre...

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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