A group for Club Motorhome members who are owners and/or enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes. Owners/enthusiasts of Ca...
A group for Club Motorhome members who are owners and/or enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes.

Owners/enthusiasts of Carthago motorhomes are welcome to post their comments, photos, experiences and travels. No 'name and shame' type postings please as these would have to be deleted.

Our Group has no official connection to Carthago or any other members' clubs.
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  •   gmckay commented on this post about 5 years ago
    Just changed our Knaus Silverline 650 Sport for a Carthago C-Tourer. Excellent van. Just back from tour of Shetland, Orkney, Northern Scotland, Hebrides. Everything worked. One minor complaint. Grey water outlet ground clearance is too low. Got...
    Just changed our Knaus Silverline 650 Sport for a Carthago C-Tourer. Excellent van. Just back from tour of Shetland, Orkney, Northern Scotland, Hebrides. Everything worked. One minor complaint. Grey water outlet ground clearance is too low. Got ripped off boarding one of the island ferries. Did my own mod and lifted it by 3 inches.
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  • JHopkins joined this group
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  • AshleyC joined this group
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